Psilo Dendro - Pouziaris Natural Trail

EXCURSIONS / Nature Trails / Troodos / Psilo Dendro - Pouziaris Natural Trail

For the first kilometer, the trail passes through dense pine thickets (Pinus brutia), giving way to black pine after 3 kilometres. It offers panoramic views.
What is this?
The pine (scient. Pinus brutia - Pine trachea) is a pine native to the eastern Mediterranean region and is found from sea level up to 1200 meters altitude in the most southern regions. You will hear with different common names such as Turkish Kalavrezou pine or pine, although in Turkey call Kızılçam (Kiziltsam - Red Pine). It is closely connected with the Aleppo pine, for this reason some researchers consider it a subspecies of Aleppo pine, but usually considered a separate species. They are on average higher than the Aleppo and can reach 35 meters in height and rougher brown body with more pytika. You will recognize the longer needles with a slightly darker green color is subtle and rough to the touch. The cones also grow properly and symmetrically (two or three length 6-10 cm) as opposed to Aleppo that have stem and directed towards the ground.
Physical expansion
It grows mainly in Turkey. In Greece it is found in Thrace, the islands of the eastern Aegean and Crete. It is also found in our Cyprus, on the shores of the Black Sea, Azerbaijan, northern Iraq, in western Syria, Lebanon and Calabria in southern Italy.
In the third kilometer of the trail, at the highest points, crosses dense and impressive black pine forest Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana. At certain points it offers panoramic views of the surrounding area.
The trail starts from near Platres, so a stop at the beautiful and popular village is a must.
What do you really know about Platres?
The village today is known with the name Platres without Pano, unlike neighboring Tornarides referred named Kato Platres. Wrong impression that Platres is a new village, founded in recent years. Platres is a very old village. Mentioned among 119 villages in Limassol district, which existed at the time of the Lusignan (Frankish, 1192 to 1489 AD) and the Venetians (1489-1571 AD).
Name of the village
There are three versions of the etymology of the name of Platres:
1) That the plural Platres Platres, got its name from the word Platres (pratria), meaning that weaves and sells sails of farmers.
2) We have written evidence that Platres was a feud over Franks and bore this name ever since. In French the word Platres-q, translated into Greek in white, plaster, etc. There is information that on Franks on the south side of Troodos, over current Platres was Frankish monastery, where the monks were dressed in white and were called "Platrai".
3) The village took its name from the word platsa, which then was followed Platres Platres (plural).
You choose and get!
The village suffered great demographic fluctuations. In 1881 the inhabitants of the village was 100, in 1901 the population increased to 154 in 1931 to 396 in 1946 to 502 in 1960 to 413 in 1982 to 442. Today Platres has 250 permanent residents during the summer months and especially in August increased to 10000.
Most villagers involved in the tourist sector (hotels, restaurants, clubs), a few more engaged FRUIT-crops and other services which have as their headquarters the village.

What do you say, doesn't it worth a visit?
Starting point: Connection point for forest road Platres - Mesa Potamos with tourist street Moniatis - Platres - Troodos, near tall tree
Monoptiou Length: 9 km
Considerable time: 3 - 4 hours
Degree of difficulty: 3 Steep uphill / downhill
Form: Round
ADDRESS: District Platres, Troodos


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