Hamam Omeriyeμεριέ

EXCURSIONS / Sites of Interest / Nicosia / Hamam Omeriyeμεριέ
The Omeriye Hamam is in the old town of Lefkosia (Nicosia), next to the Omeriye Mosque and not far from the Archbishop’s Palace. It was built in 1570 - 71 as a donation by Lala Mustafa Pasha to the city after the island fell to the Ottomans.

The bath complex or hamam was dedicated to the Caliph Omar and the area became known as Omeriye. The entrance on the south side of the building led first into a small courtyard and then into the reception - hall. This has a vaulted roof and an octagonal cistern in the middle. Behind that hall, there are two rooms of medium temperature and behind these the warm, vaulted room.

The hamam is still in use and after its recent restoration has become a favourite place for relaxation in Lefkosia. In 2006 it received the Europa Nostra prize for the Conservation of Architectural Heritage.

Tel: +357 22 460 570,  +357 22 750 550, Fax: +357 22 751 727
Address: Tyllirias Square 8, Lefkosia
Operating Hours: Use of Baths (charged): Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00 (for men) Wednesday, Friday, Sunday: 09:00 - 21:00 (for women) Monday: 10:00 - 19:00 (for couples) For group tours call in advance
Operating Period: All year round
Website: www.hamambaths.com

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