Amathous Aphrodite Cultural Route

EXCURSIONS / Routes / Limassol / Cultural Routes / Amathous Aphrodite Cultural Route
The ancient city kingdom of Amathous on the Bay of Lemesos (Limassol) was probably founded by Greek Mycenaean settlers in the 12th to the 11th centuries BC and was one of the most important kingdoms where Kyprida Aphrodite was celebrated.

The ruins of the temple of Aphrodite can be seen at the main archaeological site of Amathous. The District Museum of Lemesos complements the visit with in-depth information about the celebrated goddess.

The acropolis with the Sanctuary of Aphrodite has no official entrance. Visitors are asked to use the official entrance to the lower city site and walk up the stairs leading to the top of the acropolis. This visit is not recommended for people with walking difficulties.

Start Point: Acropolis of Ancient Amathous
End Point: Lemesos District Museum

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